About This Blog


What can I say? I like to read and I like to reflect. Since writing is the perfect reflection of reading: THIS BLOG.  It is one of several places in my life for the love of considering things, pondering them, gaining greater insight by spending additional time reckoning, coming to terms, discovering more, wondering, remaining open even in the act of explaining what I think I may have learned.  If you share any of those values, perhaps this blog will provide for you an occasional or regular reconnecting to them. Such values are a lost art, without which the species likely devolves. Consider how much our present evolution actually eradicates those habits.  The pace of life puts them mutely in the background.  The volume of demands and distractions ceaselessly bloats, eclipsing critical thinking.   

That said, I am also hoping the content inclinations in THIS BLOG capture your interest, given the chance to. Within the bounds of healthy discretion, I talk about whatever comes up, but the presenting approach is to lay out a flow of  ideas pertaining to psychotherapy, which has a lot to reveal about human nature; to review books, not only in that field, but also philosophy, art, fiction, science fiction; and to make everything somehow personal, so that reading each entry feels like it matters to you in an inspiring way.  In the practice of reflecting on things, we might call that last result a special  secondary gain.  My suggestion is that real inspiration requires nothing less.  We need to make personal contact with the things in our awareness for lasting inspiration and intelligence to emerge.  Those cherished qualities are dormant in all of us and the world is their devoted snake charmer.  By attending well, we awaken our contemplative kundalini.